Expivia Contact Center FAQs
You'll find answers to the most common call center questions here.
Expivia’s headquarters is presently in Erie, Pennsylvania. And we are a 100% USA-Based Contact Center.
Expivia is a hybrid contact center with both brick and mortar and virtual WFH options.
We’re a very nimble contact center and extremely quick to market. Most programs can start training in a few days/weeks after a signed contract/statement of work (SOW).
Our contact center agents operate on either dedicated agent hour or by the minute charging.
Each client has different needs, so pricing can vary. However, on average, Expivia charges between $26 and $33 dollars per hour (program-dependent).
The simple answer? Everything. We charge one price for the call center agent, telephony minutes, quality assurance staff, supervisors (on all programs over 10 FTE), reporting, live dashboards, client services manager, and ongoing training. That’s just some of what is included in our pricing!
All clients get access to a secure portal that provides all real-time and historical stats available. We also send daily summary reports to each client by 10 AM the following day.
Expivia will charge a minimal IT setup fee (almost always under $7000), but it’s program dependent. There are also training costs, normally $20 – $23/hour per agent. These invoices are due in advance before the program goes live.
Expvia has a team of full-time trainers. We are more than happy (and strongly suggest) that our clients be a part of the initial training. This helps them get a better feel for how their agents will handle their needs. After that, we will take over all future and ongoing training duties.
Expivia integrates with any off-the-shelf customer relationship management (CRM) platform or proprietary CRM system that your business may use.
Yes! We offer 24/7 support 365 days a year.
Yes! Expivia has both English and Spanish speaking associates ready to help assist a wide range of customer needs.
More questions? Reach out. We'd be happy to answer them
